Friends of the Capital Campaign
Thank you to all those who have supported the Millwald!
Rhonda Christian
Nancy Steele
Melissa Edmonson
Tate Love
Betsy Trevillian
Joe Chapman
John & Linda DiYorio
Stacy Martin
Charlotte Orr
Priscilla Penn
Kristen Pulkstenis
Lisa’s School of Performing Arts
Stuart-Wilderness Road DAR Chapter
William Becker
GW & Gail Catron
Sharon Hackler
Mary Henslee
Edie Hurt
J. Brent Justus
Imogene Orfield
John Price
Marty Thorson
Julia Tomiak
Jeff Troy
Roxanne Watson
Isabel Zermani
Sean Cogley
Jean Desmarais
Ruth Anne Chitwood
Sid & Nancy Crockett
Paul & Maxine Dellinger
David Harrison
Flo Pierce
Lisa Sharp
James & Cheryl Viars
Gene & Patty Jones
Kirstie & Ben Smith
Regina Umberger
Dwight Yoo
Charlotte Smelser
Linda Butt
Rebecca & Stephen James
Mary Maples
Sean Pike
J Sam Pope
Brady & Sara Terry
John & Ashley Harlow
Pamela Umberger
Kitty Stark Caldwell
Gary & Judy Crouse
William Deel
Arthur & Linda Dupuis
Patty Dupuis
Kevin & Linda Fiorini
Ted & Janet Johnson
Laura Laing
Donna Leonard
Steve Moore
Carolyn Rudzinski
Mary Jane Umberger
Keith & Beth Cochran
Joseph & Glenda Salerno
Wytheville Rotary Club
Samantha Romano
Norma Phillipi
Eric Gleaves
Becky & Hal Absher
Richard & Sandra Copenhaver
Glenda & Kerry Crockett-Eans
Kihlon Golden
Dean Sprinkle & Janie Hardin
Mike & Lisa Jonas
Ted & Laura Kim
Chuck & Jane Lacy
Noah & Tommi Malavolti
Donald Martin Jr.
Fred & Sara Mason
Donald & Cathy Pattison
Carolyn Porterfield
Mike & Marshall Reiffsteck
Adams & Delp
CM & Mary Walters
John & Karen Doyle
Wythe County Historical Society
Malinda & Timothy Cleary
Kay Horney
Bobby & Martha James
David Manley
Wayne & Faye Sutherland
Randy & Kristina Newberry
Rose Lester
$5,000 - 9,999
Phyllis Ashworth
Thomas & Betsy Ely
Teresa Hagee
Barbara Lambert
Benny & Gale Lynn
William J & Farron Smith
Dr. Beth Taylor
Jerry Umberger
Carter Bank & Trust
Cary Street Partners
Patricia Phillipi
Beth & Edmond Pendleton
Brady & Vicki Parks
David Cox
Doris Daughtery and Family
Cheri J MacPherson
Judy Pierce & Mark Zammit
Terry & Becky Beamer
Sandra & Matt Clarke
Helen & Mark Roope
Keith & Lynne Storms
Joan Stuart
First Bank & Trust
Mark & Rhonda Sechrest
Dustin & Suzy Booth
Chuck & Lee Johnson
George Kegley
Jerry & Judy Willis
Food City Charitable Foundation
Margaret Peel
Robert & Melissa Kegley
$50,000 +
Pillar Inc.
Steve & Lisa Lester
Patricia McClane
Rusty & Susan P. Jones
Mark & Katherine Bloomfield
Bruce & Caroline Stephens
Camrett Logistics